By engaging the services of Dr. Ida Kisku, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined below. These terms govern the relationship between the client (referred to as "you" or "client") and Dr. Ida.
Dr. Ida Kisku offers intuitive coaching services aimed at spiritual, personal, and professional development. These services may include, but are not limited to, individual coaching sessions, group sessions, programs, workshops, guided phone calls and virtual sessions, and masterclasses. The nature, scope, and details of services will be discussed and agreed upon prior to the beginning of work together, but may evolve during the course of your work together.
All information shared during coaching sessions is strictly confidential. Dr. Ida Kisku commits to maintaining the privacy of client information and will not disclose any details to third parties unless required by law.
Client Responsibilities
Clients are expected to actively participate in the coaching process, be open to self-discovery, and commit to any agreed-upon actions or homework between sessions. The effectiveness of the coaching relationship is a collaborative effort.
Scheduling and Cancellations
Sessions are scheduled in advance and may be rescheduled or canceled with at least 24 hours' notice. Missed appointments or cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance may be subject to a fee, as agreed upon prior to service.
Payment for services is due before or on the date of the scheduled session. Dr. Ida Kisku reserves the right to adjust fees with reasonable notice. Payments can be made through the agreed-upon payment method.
While Dr. Ida is committed to providing guidance and support, the client acknowledges that individual results may vary. The client is responsible for their own choices, actions, and outcomes.
Termination of Services
Either party has the right to terminate the coaching relationship at any time. If Dr. Ida determines that the coaching relationship is not suitable or in the best interest of the client, Dr. Ida reserves the right to terminate the services.
Important details:
While you may experience confusion, and other symptoms of mental stress, any psykiatrisk diagnose will have to be stable, treated and still not necessarily the best match for This work.
For any abuse, you will have to be detoxed and free of any consciuos disturbing substances as the are not a healthy match with psychic work. Please take full responsibilty and get proper help and diagnosed of any issuses that would lead to abuse of substances, before starting This work.
If any of These conditions are not in place Ida reserves the right to discontinue the work with immedeat notice until all has Been taking Care of. Thank you for understanding.
Intellectual Property
All materials, resources, and content provided by Dr. Ida Kisku during coaching sessions are the intellectual property of Dr. Ida and may not be reproduced, distributed, or shared without explicit permission.
Amendments to Terms and Conditions
Dr. Ida Kisku reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions with reasonable notice. Clients will be informed of any changes via email or other agreed-upon communication methods.
By engaging in intuitive coaching services with Dr. Ida, you indicate your understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Ida personally for clarification.
Ved at benytte tjenesterne fra Dr. Ida Kisku accepterer du de nedenfor beskrevne betingelser og vilkår. Disse betingelser regulerer forholdet mellem klienten (refereres til som "du" eller "klienten") og Dr. Ida.
Dr. Ida Kisku tilbyder intuitive coachingtjenester med fokus på åndelig, personlig og professionel udvikling. Disse tjenester kan omfatte, men er ikke begrænset til, individuelle coaching-sessioner, gruppesessioner, programmer, workshops, guidede telefonopkald og virtuelle sessioner samt mesterklasser. Naturen, omfanget og detaljerne af tjenesterne vil blive drøftet og aftalt inden påbegyndelse af samarbejdet, men kan udvikle sig under samarbejdet.
Alle oplysninger delt under coaching-sessioner er strengt fortrolige. Dr. Ida Kisku forpligter sig til at opretholde fortroligheden om klientoplysninger og vil ikke videregive nogen detaljer til tredjepart, medmindre det kræves ved lov.
Klientens ansvar Klienter forventes at deltage aktivt i coaching-processen, være åbne for selvopdagelse og forpligte sig til eventuelle aftalte handlinger eller lektier mellem sessioner. Effektiviteten af coaching-forholdet er et samarbejde.
Planlægning og aflysninger
Sessioner planlægges i forvejen og kan ændres eller aflyses med mindst 24 timers varsel. Manglende fremmøde eller aflysninger foretaget mindre end 24 timer i forvejen kan medføre et gebyr, som aftalt før tjenesten blev leveret.
Betaling for tjenester forfalder før eller på datoen for den planlagte session. Dr. Ida Kisku forbeholder sig ret til at justere gebyrer med rimeligt varsel. Betalinger kan foretages gennem den aftalte betalingsmetode.
Selvom Dr. Ida er forpligtet til at yde vejledning og støtte, erkender klienten, at individuelle resultater kan variere. Klienten er ansvarlig for deres egne valg, handlinger og resultater.
Afslutning af tjenester
Begge parter har ret til at afslutte coaching-forholdet når som helst. Hvis Dr. Ida vurderer, at coaching-forholdet ikke er passende eller i klientens bedste interesse, forbeholder Dr. Ida sig ret til at afslutte tjenesterne.
Intellektuel ejendom
Alle materialer, ressourcer og indhold, som Dr. Ida Kisku leverer under coaching-sessioner, er Dr. Ida's intellektuelle ejendom og må ikke reproduceres, distribueres eller deles uden udtrykkelig tilladelse.
Ændringer af betingelser og vilkår
Dr. Ida Kisku forbeholder sig ret til at ændre disse betingelser og vilkår med rimeligt varsel. Klienter vil blive informeret om eventuelle ændringer via e-mail eller andre aftalte kommunikationsmetoder.
Ved at deltage i intuitive coachingtjenester med
Dr. Ida angiver du din forståelse og accept af disse betingelser og vilkår. Hvis du har spørgsmål eller bekymringer, bedes du kontakte Dr. Ida personligt for afklaring.
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